Monday, 8 June 2009

(mind) travelling

There I was – don't know how many feet above ground – facing the most unexpected sight. Being around 8:30 in the evening I only wished I had not hidden the camera in the backpack, which was carefully stored out of my reach. Over the cottonish clouds, before my astonished and wide-open eyes, laid the most serenely celeste sky. No words exist worthy of this view. Who would have known that I were to witness this breathtaking sky at that time of the day? How were I to have foreseen this generous gift of the nature? And as if this weren't amazing enough, at short distance a small opening was letting me take a peek of the sea. There was not a single thing that could bring a bigger delight to my senses.

Which is this country that bares such beauty? How is it possible to combine autumn weather with this blue brightness? Grey, stressful city filled with flourishing spots, tapped in light. Contradiction at its zenith. Don't you dare speak another negative word about it! Should you not like it pack your things and go! You can always head to cities/countries more of your taste. I am totally fed up with all those who nag and complain about the place they have chosen to live in. And should it be the circumstances that led you there and cannot change a thing about it, I encourage you to change your attitude and mentality and become more appreciative of all the great things that it has. Cause it has so many to offer. But only to those who look for them. Only to those who are able to overcome their narrow-minded way of living and enjoy and benefit from what it has to give.

[Δεν ξέρω γιατί το κείμενο βγήκε στα αγγλικά. Ούτε γιατί η επεξήγηση ακολουθεί σε άλλη γλώσσα. Ίσως ακολουθούν την διαδρομή του ταξιδιού μου. Αν και τότε μάλλον θα έπρεπε να γράφω στα γαλλικά τώρα. Μα οι λέξεις επέλεξαν να τις εκφράσω κατ' αυτόν τον τρόπο. Ποιος μπορεί να πάει κόντρα σε ό,τι αυτές αποφασίσουν; Ποιος μπορεί να εναντιωθεί στην ορμή τους;

Δεν είμαι λάτρης της Αγγλίας. Άλλη είναι η χώρα που μου έχει κλέψει την καρδιά. Αλλού ανήκει το μυαλό μου. Μα έχω μάθει όταν βγαίνω από το σπίτι μου να μην αναζητώ το φαγητό της μαμάς μου.]

End of transmission. Hasta que vuelva la inspiración y la conexión rápida.

Ya se hizo noche...


Juanita La Quejica said...

Τί κάνεις; Ξεμπέρδεψες για φέτος; Επέστρεψε η έμπνευση;

Σικελια said...

Δεν ξέρω αν επέστρεψε η έμπνευση Juanita μου. Εγώ πάντως επέστρεψα στις γρήγορες συνδέσεις ;)

Πώς τα πήγες εσύ; Όλα καλά;

Juanita La Quejica said...

Αποφοίτησα! Thank God!
Ετοιμάζω πολύ άμεσα ταξιδάκι στα μέρη σου για να γιορτάσω το πτυχίο μου. Στείλε μου αν θες mail μήπως τα πούμε από κοντά.

Σικελια said...

¡Enhorabuena guapa!

Ya te mando unas líneas ;)

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